ICF Approved Advanced Coach

Certification Training (CCE)






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I Want To Invest In My Life!




If you want to master your mind, create fulfilling relationships, improve your communication skills, become a coach and change lives,

this training is FOR YOU!

I'm Ready To Master My Mind!

What Is Neuro-Shine Technology™?

Neuro-Shine Technology™ is the technology for truth that combines the power of the mind with the wisdom of the heart. It's a powerful model of success that helps individuals communicate truthfully to and from the core of being a human.


10 Disciplines Of

Neuro-Shine Technology

  1. Neuro Linguistic Programming
  2. Neuroscience
  3. Metaphysics
  4. Quantum Physics
  5. Cosmology
  6. Positive Psychology
  7. Heart-science
  8. Emotional Intelligence
  9. Leadership Communication Strategies
  10. Advanced Coaching Skills

Neuro-Shine Technology™ aims to revolutionize the way we think about thinking and learning through integrating science and spirituality, brain and heart, mind and matter, logic and magic with love and oneness.

The ultimate mission of Neuro-Shine Technology™ is to show people how to live in a beautiful state of BE'ing consistently and make authentic and strategic decisions in every aspect of life, communicate effectively and from the heart, create and innovate purposeful businesses and most importantly build and lead deeper and more meaningful relationships with self and others from that beautiful place of truth, where the power of the mind hugs the truth in the heart...

What Is Neuro-Shine Technology’s

Formula For Change?


CHANGE = Awareness x Willingness

Every change begins in the mind, by becoming aware of what needs to change. And that’s achieved by experiencing more Neuro-Shine Moments™, which ultimately increases awareness. The second step to achieve any change is to be willing to do whatever it takes to get the result. And the reason there is a “multiplier” in the formula is because without one or the other there will be no change.

Zero awareness multiplied by any willingness will always equal zero. Or zero willingness multiplied by any level of awareness will again equal zero. So we need to have both to create the change what we want: Both knowing and doing what we know.


 What Is A Neuro-Shine Moment™?

Neuro-Shine Moment™ represents a moment of enlightenment, when we are able to combine the power of our mind with the wisdom of our heart.

Neuro-Shine Moment™ is the real, tangible, measurable electrical brain activity that comes about at the peak moments of our neurons firing and wiring together. We know these as our “A-HA” moments. In the language of Neuro-Shine Technology™, an A-HA moment is a neuron-shining moment, where the power of the mind hugs the truth in the heart.


What Is A Shiny Mind?

It is this very act of mind & heart integration, which electrifies our neurons in a truly enlightening way, creating a “SHINY MIND™” for us.

As opposed to a mind that’s dark, confused and fearful of the unknown, a Shiny Mind™ digs deep and taps into the light within, expands contextual thinking, busts assumptions, questions behaviors, upgrades language, improves effectiveness, accepts the unknown, welcomes and even hugs the fear and follows the path to the only real success. Not a memorized, unquestioned, conventional success that’s taught to us by others; a Shiny Mind™ is a cosmically conscious, profoundly powerful, unshakably optimist, glorious and miraculous mind that helps us achieve the highest levels of personal and professional success, enlightened and designed by our very own truth.


The Purpose Of Neuro-Shine Technology™

The purpose of Neuro-Shine Technology™ is to create Shiny Minds™ and elevate the consciousness of our humanity to this transformational level of enlightenment by teaching us how to combine the power of our mind with the wisdom of our heart so that we can tap into our own truth and reinvent success, freedom and joy based on who we truly are.


Click here to download the PDF worksheet about Neuro-Shine Technology™️.

Yes! I Want To Learn Neuro-Shine Technology™!

What You Will Get

  • 7-Days Of Live Hands-on NLP Training!
  • ICF Approved Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ Certification*!
  • Learn NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)!
  • Become A Certified Coach!
  • Master Your Mindset & Communication Skills!
  • Maximize Your True Potential!
  • Build Life-Long Friendships!
  • Become More Or Achieve More!
  • Grow With Fun!

The highest level of accreditation in coaching from ICF (International Coach Federation) with 66 hours of CCE units: 49 core competencies and 17 resource development, for your ICF approved Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ certification

I Want To Get All Of Them!

You Can Begin To Invest In

Your Success Right Away!

Benefits Of 

Neuro-Shine Technology™ Training

  • Get your ICF approved Neuro-Shine Technology  Coach™ certification!
  • Become a world-class professional coach at ICF standards!
  • Learn the only science-based, mind + heart coherence success system in the world!
  • Combine the power of your mind with the wisdom of your heart!
  • Master your thoughts, your language and your influence on yourself and others
  • Achieve next level success in your personal life, business and relationships!
  • Connect and build meaningful, lifelong friendships!
  • Create your own impact, change lives and make your own difference in the world!
I Am Ready To Become A World-Class Professional Coach!

 ICF Approved

Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ 
Certification Training

Daily Curriculum 


  • Welcoming & Setting The Foundation For Co-creation
  • Introduction To Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • 7 Step Neuro-Shine Coaching™ 
  • 8 Mindset Principles Of Neuro-Shine Technology™ And How To Apply Them In Coaching
  • Mindset Principle 1: #Meaning Principle
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Perceptual Positions 


  • Other Disciplines Of Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • Continue To 8 Mindset Principles Of Neuro-Shine Technology™ And How To Apply Them In Coaching
  • Mindset Principle 2: #Communication Principle
  • Mindset Principle 3: #ShinyMind Principle
  • Mindset Principle 4: #HowCanI Principle
  • Mindset Principle 5: #WhoseTruth Principle


  • Other Disciplines Of Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • Continue To 8 Mindset Principles Of Neuro-Shine Technology™ And How To Apply Them In Coaching
  • Mindset Principle 6: #BestBehavior Principle
  • Mindset Principle 7: #ContextualIntelligence Principle
  • Mindset Principle 8: #Success Principle


  • Coaching At ICF (International Coach Federation) Standards
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Emotional Intelligence Language Part 1: Embedded Messages
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Emotional Intelligence Language Part 2: Words Of Magic
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Emotional Intelligence Language Part 3: Metaphors & Quotes


  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Emotional Intelligence Language
  • Levels Of Learning – Understanding How The Brain Learns
  • Biology Of Beliefs And Epigenetics
  • How We Learn Our Limiting Beliefs
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Time Travel™


  • Building Instant Connections - With Rapport Building & Human Needs
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Freedom Technique
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Formula For Change – Mapping The Road From Reality To Dreams
  • Effective Goal Setting Session With Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • Dream Catcher Exercise And Kinesiology Test


  • Feed-forward + Q & A Graduation Day
  • Integrating 10 Disciplines & Mind & Matter & Love And Oneness As Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • Individual “Circle Of Shine” Exercise With Anchors
  • Next Steps & Action Plan Group Exercises
  • Wrap-up To Becoming An ICF Certified Coach
  • Certificate Ceremony!
  • Group feed-forward and TRUTH session
Discover More!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions, you might wanna read this section:

The Payment Plan For

Neuro-Shine Technology™ Training

One Payment

  • 7-Day Hands-on Advanced Communication, NLP & Coach Training With Group Exercises Included
  • ICF Approved Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ Certification ($150 Included)
  • 48 hours Of ICF Core Competencies (CC) CCE Units
  • Training & Coaching Documents

This course covers:

  • Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • 8 Mindset Principles Of Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • #Meaning Principle
  • #Communication Principle
  • #ShinyMind Principle
  • #HowCanI Principle
  • #WhoseTruth Principle
  • #BestBehavior Principle
  • #ContextualIntelligence Principle
  • #Success Principle
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™Emotional Intelligence Language
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Powerful Questioning Language
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Effective Goal Setting
  • ICF Coaching Skills Category
  • 3 Levels Of Listening
  • 3 Levels Of Leadership
  • Certificate Ceremony :) 
  • Much More ❤️

6 Monthly Payments

  • 7-Day Hands-on Advanced Communication, NLP & Coach Training With Group Exercises Included
  • ICF Approved Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ Certification ($150 Included)
  • 48 hours Of ICF Core Competencies (CC) CCE Units
  • Training & Coaching Documents 

This course covers:

  • Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • 8 Mindset Principles Of Neuro-Shine Technology™
  • #Meaning Principle
  • #Communication Principle
  • #ShinyMind Principle
  • #HowCanI Principle
  • #WhoseTruth Principle
  • #BestBehavior Principle
  • #ContextualIntelligence Principle
  • #Success Principle
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Emotional Intelligence Language
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Powerful Questioning Language
  • Neuro-Shine Technology™ Effective Goal Setting
  • ICF Coaching Skills Category
  • 3 Levels Of Listening
  • 3 Levels Of Leadership
  • Certificate Ceremony :) 
  • Much More ❤️

Fill Out The Form To Learn More About My Training Packages & I’ll Contact You!